Keep Britain Working has spoken for some time about a Spring recovery in the job market and it seems as though those green shoots of optimism have grown. According to the latest Keep Britain Working job index report, job vacancies for February 2021 are only 1% down on the same month last year.
This appears to have been driven this month by a large number of roles posted to recruit for the Census but regardless of the source this is welcome news for many currently looking for work.

Looking around Britain, four regions are now posting jobs at a level not seen for 12 months. East Anglia, East Midlands, North East England and Wales saw jobs vacancies grow month on month from 18% in East Anglia to 57% in Wales.
The Customer Service sector increased the most month on month, driven by the large numbers of Census roles posted. Another sector in good health is Human Resources, where job vacancies increased by 40%.
Although Hospitality continues to suffer, there is hope in the route out of lockdown roadmap and we are hopeful that come the Summer the last of the struggling sectors will bounce back and we’ll see a job market rivalling 2019.
If you are after a more comprehensive look at the job market, then you can download the monthly Keep Britain Working job index report using the link below.